Department of Mathematics,Statistic and Operational Research
My research is within the area of differential geometry and its applications to mechanics and classical field theories. The research group «differential geometry and geometric mechanics» at the University of La Laguna leaded by me has received funding, on an ongoing basis for the last twenty years, from the national and the regional governments. As a result, it has been able to collaborate with different international and national research groups which are relevant in the area. Thus, in 2005 it was proposed from our group to create the research network Geometry, Mechanics and Control (GMCnet) which has been funded since then, and in which I have been the principal investigator for the most of its trajectory. Along my career, I have supervised six Ph.D. thesis. I have collaborated with many different Spanish and International groups (from Mexico, Brazil, Poland, Belgium, Italy, France, Argentina, USA…). As a consequence, I have coauthored 150 publications. In some of this places I have made short and long visits as a visiting professor. I belong to the editorial committee of some mathematics and mathematical physics journals and I am a referee for different funding agencies, universities and journals. In 2014 I was elected for the Canary Royal Academy of Sciences.
Office 77, Mathematics and Physics building, University of La Laguna, 38071, La Laguna, Tenerife, SPAIN jcmarrer@ull.edu.es +34 922318163